This site is not exactly part of the site or the collected blogs.

In the January 2010 Zeitgeist Newsletter I discussed using a Journal or Diary to keep as a tool of becoming more self-aware and as I am not one to suggest something that I am not willing to do myself so I set up this Journal.

Not only does it have the current entries, beginning on December 30, 2009, but I have a collection of notebooks that have assorted entries from the past that I have always wanted to archive someplace, so here it will be.

I have written on the blog about how I show EVERYTHING, sometime maybe too much, but this whole collection is about chronicling a life and its growth.

Not everything will be directly related to spiritual growth but it is a record of one particular journey, mine. Take it as a collection of examples and experiences, learning from them as I have; who knows, you might learn more from them then I did.


I'll be the first to admit that some of what gets written in here is somewhat adult in nature, not that I plan on putting porn out, but some of it may not be appropriate for children.


Washington and elsewhere...

Sometimes I wonder what the point is.

Not that I expect any dramatic shift of the Universe or anything, but I look around and I see so many people that not only do not seem to care about what's going on around them, they do not want to know apparently.

Sadly, I am quite aware that when the s@%t hits the proverbial fan that they are going to be the ones that complain the loudest and are likely to have some reactionary response that will likely be just as bad as what happened and often worse then what originally happened. Look at the "Tea Baggers" and how this collection of supposedly predominantly middle-class Americans has been convinced that the goals and plans of the mega-rich and trans-national corporations are their own.

I understand the idea of cutting government spending, and I actually support it in many cases, but the solution is not in decimating the lower-classes and what remains of the middle-class but in the current case is a lot about developing income for the government to use.

I saw a chart the other day that laid out the planned cuts demanded by the Tea Baggers and the more extreme aspects of the Republican party and the item that made my jaw hit the floor was that all the cuts would save about $44.6 Billion and if the Bush tax cuts for the top 4% had not been extended, 99% of those cuts would not be necessary from a purely financial view.

We see people supporting the decimation of public schools, attempts at privatization of many, if not all, public services. What makes ANYONE think that a private company is going to run things more efficiently? I have yet to have a single person show me an example of private companies doing the services for the same cost or less.

In several states we see the attempts at destroying the ability of public employees to use collective bargaining to attempt getting decent wages. Name me ONE public school teacher that ever got rich teaching, if you know one, ask how they did it, it wasn't the classroom.

I hear the term "redistribution of wealth" bandied around as a justification for turning this country into the equivalent of the surfs of the past where the egalitarian elite control everything and the rest are basically slaves to their wishes with no power to create change. The truth is that the "redistribution of wealth" is not from the top down, or as Ronald Reagan called it, "Trickle Down Economics" but from the bottom up. The top 400 families in this country control HALF the wealth of the nation and they have no interest in sharing it.

We have corporations in this country that actually, in many cases, have more rights and privileges than the actual humans, with few if any of the responsibilities and obligations.

I wonder just how far things will go and what it will turn into. I do not want to be as pessimistic as George Orwell's "1984", Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" or Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" but I sometimes wonder if they were paranoid or prophets. The part that surprises me the most is that the majority in America are not only unconcerned, but present themselves as if they want it. I hope they still want that reality if and when it shows up. Somehow I doubt it.


Today's Show!

I'm currently online, listening to Reputation Label's "Frantic Friday" show and we started around 200,000 listeners in the first half-hour and at 90 minutes we are at 367,000 listeners!

If you have never been to the show, Fridays 13:00-15:00 (Pacific) 21:00-23:00 (London) you really are missing a lot of fun.Between our main hosts Johnny and Kris Searle, along with Ringmaster Pete, Karen, Mizzy and Monkey, we have a really fun time.

I really enjoy doing the show, the people on it are such fun as well as our audience. It is THE place to spend a couple of hours to start the weekend with.

The Los Angeles/West Hollywood Gay Pride festivities start today and run through the weekend. I am not sure what I'm going to do about it, I will likely go to the parade on Sunday but I doubt I will go to the festival, never been particularly comfortable reliving lives as a sardine which is how the crowd makes me feel...

We will see on Sunday, just in case.

The newsletter went out yesterday and I really think it is the best one I have written to date. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, click the button bellow:


The radio show is today, I'm not sure if I'm going to guesting or not today, but it's always fun anyway. If you want to listen in, go to Reputation Radio and mouse over the "chat Room" and click on "Live Radio & Podcast Shows" to activate the player (another way is to click here, but I'm not guaranteeing how long this back-door will work). Join us in the chat room to make it completely fun!

Had a bit of a headache the last couple of days, I would love to say it is a hangover, but I have not drunk or smoked anything to give me such an issue. Feels more like a stress headache anyway, I think I'm still de-stressing from all the changes lately.

It's a beautiful day in SoCal today and I am looking forward to going to the gym later...

Need to get back to writing "10 Secrets to the Secret" and getting ready for Session 3 this coming Monday at "The Spot" at 4455 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA.



A rambling on age...

What an interesting time to be alive and reasonably young and healthy. OK, it's my birthday and I am fixating a touch on it and my age.

A friend this morning said that we actually have several ages to which I come out as follows:


I remember 20 years ago, does not seem that long ago, that my friends were tormenting me about being a "quarter-century old" and I thought they were nuts and now I am starting to push the next quarter. I never did understand the fixation with age.

Considering how much grief I have put this body through over the years, I aam impressed with how well it is handling the wear and tear. I never thought I would make it to 18 and to have made 45 was inconceivable until a few years ago.

I am beginning to understand the comment that youth is wasted on the young though. I think that is as much the fault of the progenitors as it is the young. What stresses were the young put under and is it really that big of a surprise that they would spend a lot of it in sometimes questionable ways? We taught them to fear and to be ashamed of what they are and we wonder why they rebel? Just how blind are we to the reactions to our actions?

Age is about a measurement of time in this particular classroom called life and doesn't really mean much unless you want it to. I think I will just ignore it for a bit longer, say 400 years and see how I feel then.


This has been a VERY strange week of sorts.

I am down to 10 days till the end of the job and I still feel jazzed about it most of the time. I have the occasional moment of doubt, but who wouldn't? It passes and those moments are few and far between.

Last Thursday was stranger than usual, I was at work and my manager said that she and the GM needed to have a talk with me later in the afternoon, say around 4 to 4:30. No problem... Then SHE shows up, the dreaded HR lady that has a reputation of not coming down from on high, aka corporate, unless a head is about to roll.

I thought I was going to be getting out of the job 2 weeks early, but it was for someone else, I was spared. Gotta suck big time to be fired on April Fools.

They still have not replaced me, I hope the do so soon. I will feel awful if I leave them shorthanded, but I gave them 60 days notice, what more could they want?

Busy day tomorrow, breakfast meeting for more details on Club Inspire U and I'm going to scream my bloody head off if the site isn't up soon. I know the designer has been having difficulties with his servers, but we are less than 2 weeks from out premier and I still see the "Coming Soon" page I put up. ARGH!

I have a phone session at 10:30 and then I have to go to West Hollywood for another meeting with a friend about marketing ideas. I feel so official, I'm going to be marketed... Gads!

While I'm there, WeHo, I'm going to stop by and see if M is at work and if so, muster up the courage to ask him out on a date. I'm more afraid of that then being self-employed in this economy, now just what does that tell you?



Things are getting more and more interesting.

Work is good and I'm actually enjoying it, likely because I know it is not for much longer. I really need to figure a way of bottling that and mass marketing it, I would make a fortune from pleased employers, I am not so sure about the staff...

Down to 17 more days and then it all begins... I'm nervous but thrilled as well.

People and resources are starting to come out of the woodwork, it is both fascinating and a touch creepy, but I guess that is how I like to manifest. I also have a networking group that I think that I will be checking out Friday before work. Not sure how I am going to make that work, network then gym then work -- busy morning.

Club Inspire U is coming along as well, K tells me there is some more news and he seems thrilled about it, not likely to get much out of him tomorrow as his brother is leaving Wednesday for home and the whole crowd will be at breakfast. I know the graphic designer is having computer problems, but I wish the new site would get up. (whine whine)

I want to get some writing done this week as well as everything else. I have not had time to sit and write. OK that is not exactly true, I have had time but not made use of it, I have fixed the bike and a few other minor projects as well as trying to get some relaxation.

Speaking of relaxation, I have the feeling that I may not get much for a while after the 15th. Things outside of work have been getting faster and faster, usually a sign that rest is not in the forecast.

Actually, that is one of the things I am most concerned about. I will HAVE to keep an eye on time management and not over-extending myself. On top of that I have to keep myself focused enough to get the job done without the boundaries of a set work schedule. That is always the hardest thing for me when I make this transition. To much and I burn myself out VERY quickly and too little and nothing gets accomplished.

I called GH today, left a message but the outgoing sounded like he may be using that number for his business line, well, either way I will likely hear from him tomorrow or the next day.

I got a call yesterday from my Landmark Forum in Action leader, he is so awesome, he is calling to help me with my need to "engage and enroll" and my difficulties in this area. I think it is cool that he is willing to work with me on this outside of the usual class times. He has his one-man show coming up on Sunday, April 4th, I would like to go but I don't think I can get out early or a ride up to the Theater, but I will see...

Well, I am getting ready to finish work and go to the gym for a good workout and a good night's sleep.


Good day today!

Went to my Tuesday breakfast, got a haircut, worshiped the Sun God and he blessed me with some color then went to the gym for a good workout.

Then I ended up in NoHo to pick up posters and canvass to distribute fliers around my old neighborhood.

Also finally determined why nobody seems to have gotten the newsletter, so I both fixed it and decided it is officially the Marpril issue and will put the next issue out in May.

Now I'm going to bed so I can get up and do my usual Wednesday volunteer thing and a second dose in the evening to help out on the "special night".